I AM MY ENEMY (Certified)


George Tiller Killed: Abortion Doctor Shot At Church
(God Bless The Dead and Us ALL) 16:39PDT

My Daily Twittascope - http://bit.ly/2fwsp (auto-post 17:05PDT)

No Mercy
by Mary Mapes
"I felt just sick today when I saw the bulletin about the murder of Dr. George Tiller." 17:24PDT

George Tiller was a Mass-Murderer, says Randall Terry
founder of Operation Rescue 17:30PDT

Christian Defense Coalition Condemns Shooting of Dr. George Tiller http://www.christiannewswire.com/ 17:33PDT

Christian Fundamentalist Terrorism
by Shannyn Moore
http://digg.com/d1sb69 17:35PDT


May We all be gifted the self-respect to talk with and listen to each other in order to foster positivity and progress in Our Country. 18:03PDT

POTnah!$, I am grateful for You. Apart HUMANITY has no meaning. May We continue talking WITH and LISTENing to each other. 18:08PDT

HUMANITY and all in HUMANITY is for all of HUMANITY to share with HUMANITY. -wordslingAH, Da Kid!- 18:12PDT

The time is NOW to severe all ties & favoritism of ANY and ALL Religions from The Government and Governance of The United States of America. 18:14PDT

LOVE and HATE are the two halves of The Circle Of PASSION. 18:21PDT

Those who misuse Love to generate Hate and/or benefit financially, while taking no responsibility for consequences, must be brought to trial 18:23PDT

Those who misuse Passion and Principles to tear at the fabric of Our Souls are guilty of treason against HUMANITY.. 18:26PDT

As A Simple Woman and Artiste, I call upon ALL EXTREMISTS to ceasefire for your own sakes. This is My First AND Only warning shot. 18:30PDT

RT @THEREALBANNER Check this video out -- Def Poetry - David Banner - What About Us? http://bit.ly/JOP2B 18:36PDT

& back from commercial break, closing with full disclosure, while i hold dear all i just tweeted. Am NOt a pacifist, Am A PIECEofFIST! 18:41PDT

May all that is good be with you, should We meet and I find myself compelled to repeat my humble request. Good Night, cindy adrienne quashie 18:45PDT

Times indicate posts on Twitter via @brokepimpstyles

I AM MY ENEMY (Certified) 08:30PM PDT

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