Image by keithpr via Flickr
BrokePimpStylesso since the descendants of charlemayne from christiandom CANNOt afford to pay me with my own money, this free, KI$$ MA BLACK akan A$$BrokePimpStylesso since the descendants of charlemayne from christiandom CANNOt afford to pay me with my own money, this free, KI$$ MA BLACK carib A$$BrokePimpStylesso since the descendants of charlemayne from christiandom CANNOt afford to pay me with my own money, this free, KI$$ MA BLACK irish A$$BrokePimpStylesso since the descendants of charlemayne from christiandom CANNOt afford to pay me with my own money, this free, KI$$ MA BLACK norse A$$BrokePimpStylesThe 44th President Of the United States Of America, Barack Hussien Obama just arrived in Acra Ghana. (SOUND IT, down the lane,) #SankofahBrokePimpStylespardon my interruption of ur KI$$ING of MA BLACK A$$. I am QUASHEBA (GirlChildBornOnASunday - Jan 15,1967 - check it out) now back to the pgBrokePimpStylesThe 44th President Of the United States Of America, Barack Hussien Obama just arrived in Acra Ghana. (SOUND IT, down the lane,) #SankofahBrokePimpStylesPOTUS is in GHANA!BrokePimpStylesapprox 84% of Boriken (Puerto Rico) Boriquas' (Puerto Ricas) Ancestry is TAINO-ARAWAK ie NATIVE AMERICAN, Judge Sonia SotoMayor es Boriqua.BrokePimpStylesOn Monday July 13th, 2009, Congress will question The First NATIVE AMERICAN, Judge Sonia SotoMayor's qualifications for The Supreme Court.BrokePimpStyles84% of Boriken (Puerto Rico) blend is indegenious TAINO-ARAWAK, ie NATIVE AMERICAN. Judge Sonia Sotomayor es Boriqua. 07.13.09BrokePimpStylesIn the same year as The 44th POTUS, A NATIVE AMERICAN WILL be on The Supreme Court of The United States. "aint that AMERICA" - J.MellencampBrokePimpStyles#FF **LUV** RT @AnitaDFiouris: "Liberty without learning is always in peril; learning without liberty is always in vain"~J.F.KennedyBrokePimpStylesIn the name of ALL My Carib Ancestors, I do hereby pledge My all most respectfully to ensure SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SONIA SOTOMAYOR is!
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