Spring brings balls and bats / Dodgers, Marlins, Diamondbacks/ Grand Slamming The Park

Dear Mr. President, Congress and DOJ

with all due respect, personal Pride and Love, for the sake of A LAND OF FREE BRAVES called AMERICA, I hereby request complete disclosure and justice regarding any incidents of torture done in the name of the United States.

Thirsty Thursday

i fed my brain Wikipedia
and my body peas and rice
then i slept this afternoon
and actually awoke rested
to neighbors bearing gifts

HAPPY EARTH DAY (showing Ma age)

Big Blue Marble
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Big Blue Marble - intro


today i cry

joy when i recall a childhood spent with you
and Sesame Street and Electric Company and Mr. Rodgers' Neighborhood

sad accepting there is no longer room in this world for us
without corporate demanded, government approved authority

Federal Legislation HR 5842 & 5843

from http://www.illinoisnorml.org/content/view/812/29/

Please call 202.224.3121 and urge your Congressional Representative
to co-sponsor and vote YES on HR 5842 and HR 5843.

HR 5842 NORML is pleased to announce that Representative Ron Paul has been joined by Reps. Barney Frank (D-MA), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), and Sam Farr (D-CA) in introducing H.R. 5842, the “Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act”, which seeks to enact legal protections for authorized medical cannabis patients, in the House of Representatives.

Now is the time to contact your House member and urge him or her to support this important legislation.

H.R. 5842 will help to ensure that patients in those states where medical cannabis legislation has been approved will no longer have to fear arrest or prosecution from federal law enforcement agencies. However, this proposal will only receive serious consideration if your elected officials hear an unmistakable message of support from their constituents.

Currently, thirteen states -- Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and Michigan -- have enacted laws protecting medical cannabis patients from state prosecution. It’s time that we allowed our unique federalist system to work the way it was intended, and permit these states’ citizens and their representatives to enact laws permitting the medical use of cannabis, free from federal interference.

HR 5843 NORML is pleased to report that H.R. 5843, an "Act to Remove Federal Penalties for Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults," has been introduced in the House of Representatives by Representatives Barney Frank and Ron Paul.

This measure, if passed, would strip the federal government of its authority to arrest responsible adult cannabis consumers. NORML founder and Legal Director Keith Stroup worked extensively with Frank’s staff to write this important legislation, which represents the first cannabis decriminalization measure introduced in Congress in 24 years.

Under current federal law, the penalty for cannabis possession is up to one year imprisonment and a $1,000 fine.
Please call 202.224.3121 and urge your Congressional Representative
to co-sponsor and vote YES on HR 5842 and HR 5843.

Goliath picked the fight. David got the spoils from THE WAR! Then Goliath Jr. came and jacked David. As he fled he tripped over David's Father napping and broke his neck.

Peter Tosh - Bush Doctor (19/06/1977


"Being Simple does not mean I am stupid. I am very much aware of how much to ME, you have never listened." 04.20.2009©cindyadriennequashie

"Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere."- George Washington, U.S. President quote on Hemp

"Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could."- William F. Buckley Jr.

It's 4:20