An incredible new movie is out, and I wanted to make sure you knew about it.

Academy Award-nominated "Trouble the Water" tells a story of one extraordinary family's survival of the flooding of New Orleans after Katrina, and their journey into a new life. Time Magazine's Richard Corliss called it "[A]n endlessly moving, artlessly magnificent tribute to people the government didn't think worth saving."

Directed and produced by Fahrenheit 9/11 producers Tia Lessin and Carl Deal and executive produced by Danny Glover, "Trouble the Water" won the 2008 Sundance Grand Jury Prize and was named one of the top ten films of 2008 by critics at Entertainment Weekly, Los Angeles Times and The New Yorker.

check out the trailer and sign up to find out how to see "Trouble the Water" in your community.

The Youth PROMISE Act

Dear Friends,

Gangs have plagued Black communities across the country for decades,
but we've seen few large-scale efforts that go to the root of the
problem. Thanks to Congressman Bobby Scott of Virginia, that could
change. Now he needs our support.

The Youth PROMISE Act, Scott's bill, focuses on giving young people
real alternatives to gangs, instead of locking them up and throwing
them into a system that often turns them into hardened criminals.

The bill has some support in Congress, but a strong show of support
from everyday people like us will help make sure that it passes.
That's why I've joined in asking my senators and
representative to support the Youth PROMISE Act. Will you? It only
takes a few seconds:

It's clear that the current national strategy to combat gang
participation isn't working.[1] Every day more young people are
thrown into jail instead of being given opportunities to turn their
lives around. It does very little to solve the problem of gangs, and
it compounds the hopelessness that leads to participation in gangs in
the first place.

The Youth PROMISE (Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring,
Intervention, Support and Education) Act would change this by
providing young people with critical support and opportunities to
succeed so they'll see that they have options that don't involve
joining a gang.

The Youth PROMISE Act would give communities greater access to a range
of youth intervention methods with a record of success -- like
mentoring and after-school programs -- and let those communities
decide which practices are best suited for their specific needs. It
would give communities funding to hire police officers specially
trained to deal with youth. And it would provide crucial mental
health services
to young people who need them.[2]

By signing on in support, you'll join dozens of national civic groups,
religious denominations, justice organizations, and political leaders
who realize that the kind of change offered by the Youth PROMISE Act
is long overdue. Even law enforcement officials are coming to the
conclusion that we can't simply arrest our way out of this

Now it's our turn. Please join me by telling your representative and
senators to give our youth the support they need to succeed. And when
you do, please ask your friends and family to do the same.

Thank you.

cindy adrienne quashie


2. Same as 1.
3. Same as 1.


Dear Friend,

There are certain moments that test what kind of people we are, both as individuals and as a community and a country. Do we believe that all people are created equal, or not? How important is fairness? Will we defend our civil rights? Our co-workers' or friends' civil rights? Or not.

We are at such a moment in Washington State. In Washington, committed same sex couples and families now enjoy the same legal protections granted to married couples under state law.

The radical right just filed a referendum - Referendum 71 -- to repeal many of those protections and benefits.

They need two things from you to succeed: your signature, and your silence.

Don't give them either. Join thousands of people across Washington in saying no to discrimination by pledging: "Yes! I decline to sign!" Please put your name on our pledge not to sign this referendum. Then forward this email to your friends and ask them to sign as well.

Yes! I decline to sign!

Your pledge is powerful. Three years ago, these same folks tried to repeal a law that banned discrimination based on sexual orientation. That effort came up 6,000 signatures short and they never made it to the ballot.

We can do it again. We are working with our friends at Equal Rights Washington and other partners to protect domestic partnerships. The fight to keep this referendum off the November ballot will be close. But we can stop it, if we work together. Please sign our pledge today and join the effort.

State law cannot extend the over 1,000 federal protections of marriage to same sex familes -- like social security survivors' benefits. But we can - and have -- extended benefits like the right to collect a deceased partner's pension if the deceased was a public sector employee. We cannot afford to go backwards on our commitments to fairness and equal rights.

Put your name on the Yes! I Decline to Sign Pledge NOW!

Thanks for all you do,

- Erik and the entire Fuse team

Fuse helps you make a difference by making your voice heard on the most important issues when the decisions are being made. Real people generating stronger progressive leadership from elected officials -- that is the power of Fuse.
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