Thank You for supporting My LifeWork.
It shall forever remain an eternal priviledge and honor having You in Ma SoulFLow Circle.
Teaching and Learning occurs when One nourishes The Other as The Other is simultaneously feeding One.
I was born cindy adrienne quashie on Sunday January 15th, 1967 in the then recently Associated State of The British Empire (Commonwealth) then called St.Christopher, Nevis & Anguilla.
I was blessed by The Almighty thru The Blood, Sweat and Tears of My Ancestors to have The Wind Rhyme its Rhythms thru My Soul and Project Artistically in regards to all I experience in my environment.
My Maternal Grand Mother, Ms. Esther Frederica Pemberton, who was my first Teacher, Hero and remains my Eternally Primary Mentor, is THE REASON, I could do then, do now and God's willing do until. Once as a toddler, I told Her, as She was washing clothes by hand with a scrub board and tub, that I am trying to go upstairs but my feet won't move. She replied just sit still until they hear You.
Until my early 20s, I had no workable grasp of why or how I saw, felt, heard, spoke or grooved that I could own as mine.
So while it would trouble me, in places I was unaware i possessed, when my expressed thoughts were dismissed, my musings considered jokes and my global socio-political-economic opinions and theories categorized as crazy by others, rather than feeling disparaged, discouraged, denigrated, depreciated, demoralized, discredited, dishonored or disdained, I rolled with it as it came, stayed and or went.
My first fan was Her Brother, Uncle Ezekiel, both now in The Promised Land, GLORY. We would set and talk WITH and LISTEN to each other.
It is on behalf of Them Both and many OTHERS that I welcome you to wordslingAH, Da Kid!
It shall forever remain an eternal priviledge and honor having You in Ma SoulFLow Circle.
Teaching and Learning occurs when One nourishes The Other as The Other is simultaneously feeding One.
I was born cindy adrienne quashie on Sunday January 15th, 1967 in the then recently Associated State of The British Empire (Commonwealth) then called St.Christopher, Nevis & Anguilla.
I was blessed by The Almighty thru The Blood, Sweat and Tears of My Ancestors to have The Wind Rhyme its Rhythms thru My Soul and Project Artistically in regards to all I experience in my environment.
My Maternal Grand Mother, Ms. Esther Frederica Pemberton, who was my first Teacher, Hero and remains my Eternally Primary Mentor, is THE REASON, I could do then, do now and God's willing do until. Once as a toddler, I told Her, as She was washing clothes by hand with a scrub board and tub, that I am trying to go upstairs but my feet won't move. She replied just sit still until they hear You.
Until my early 20s, I had no workable grasp of why or how I saw, felt, heard, spoke or grooved that I could own as mine.
So while it would trouble me, in places I was unaware i possessed, when my expressed thoughts were dismissed, my musings considered jokes and my global socio-political-economic opinions and theories categorized as crazy by others, rather than feeling disparaged, discouraged, denigrated, depreciated, demoralized, discredited, dishonored or disdained, I rolled with it as it came, stayed and or went.
My first fan was Her Brother, Uncle Ezekiel, both now in The Promised Land, GLORY. We would set and talk WITH and LISTEN to each other.
It is on behalf of Them Both and many OTHERS that I welcome you to wordslingAH, Da Kid!
8/24/2008 6:09:16 PM©cindyadriennequashie
Black Women, Identity, and Cultural Theory:
(Un)Becoming the Subject
by Kevin Everod Quashie
(Un)Becoming the Subject
by Kevin Everod Quashie
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